Part of the brands marketing strategy for fall 2011 was to launch a regional 'Back to Our Roots' (see photo on the left) campaign with a Billboard in Brooklyn, NY and Bus Advertising in NYC. When Doris New York submitted the artwork to a Major Media Company in NYC for the Billboard they were allegedly advised that the content might in some way be offensive to a religious institution across the street from where the Billboard is located. Hmmm...offensive in what way? In my opinion it is neither lewd nor is it graphic...could it be that it is 'too ethnic'?
Doris New York also submitted the artwork to a Major Media Company prior to submitting the contract for the Bus Advertising Campaign and as of yesterday afternoon they have not heard a word from them.
Is an image depicting two beautiful women of color rocking GORGEOUS natural hair too...'ethnic'? I think not. The Natural Hair movement is about embracing the beautify that we were born with, not adhering to the media's standard of beauty and rediscovering who we are on every level.
As a curvy curly I can tell you that I struggled for years on fad diet after fad diet to fit the media's standard of beauty, I also relaxed, texlaxed, texturized, blow dried, and flat ironed every curl on my head trying to fit that same standard of beauty. Now that I am older what I want is to be healthy from my hair down to my toes, I embrace my curves and my curls...my definition of natural beauty is loving myself just the way that I am.
The Major Media Company may not be interested in advertising from Doris New York with this campaign but I am very interested in spending my dollars with a company that creates amazing products for my tresses and celebrates my heritage and the beauty of my coils and my curls.
For info on Doris New York: http://www.dorisnewyork.com/.
Just a Curvy Girl Living in her Self Proclaimed Curvy World
What was this religious institution? In Brooklyn? I highly doubt it could be anything but a Jewish temple. Is it?