All of my life I have heard...
'You must be mixed cause you got good hair'
'You must have Indian in you cause you got that good hair'
'You don't have black hair you have good hair'
And the list goes on and on and on and on...
I have hair. Hair that has been healthy and blossomed, hair that has been over processed and damaged almost beyond repair, and hair that fell out by the fistfuls when I began taking meds for a blood disorder.
In my humble opinion good hair is a healthy head of hair. Hair that is cared for be it natural, relaxed, texlaxed, colored, etc.
I love my hair aka Luscious Lola. She is glorious. She behaves. She misbehaves. But boy oh boy does she respond well when I treat her kindly and with a gentle loving touch.
My top 3 hair commandments are:
1. Be patient. Hair does not grow over night. As much as I wish it did it really doesn't.
2. Be gentle. My hair is naturally coily, curly, and super thick, some people can drive to work in the time that it takes to detangle my freshly washed hair, but I'd rather be slow and tender than rip my hair out in chunks.
3. Be kind. I treat Lola to a pre-poo & deep condition every week and she responds in kind by being soft, moisturized and supple.
Ladies love your locks, no two heads of hair are the same and remember if we take care of our hair it is always GOOD HAIR!
Have a Good Hair Day!
Until Next Time,
Just a Curvy Girl Living in her Self Professed Curvy World
Photo: My curly, coily pony puff!
I think most women who hear that can't stand it. I can't. I say the same as you, good hair is healthy hair, no matter the texture nor length. When women say that, I hate to think that they think they have "bad" hair or that someone whose hair is coarser or thicker or curlier or kinkier is not good=(. I was planning to do a post on my site about this topic at some point. Doesn't look like I need to do so;-).