I traveled recently to Chicago for business and when I arrived I realized that my Ouidad Double Detangler Comb was hanging in my shower and NOT in my carry on…sigh.
I immediately called down to the front desk to ask if they had a gift shop and was informed that they did not. I hung up wondering to myself ‘how am I going to wash, condition, detangle, AND style this head of hair in the morning with NO comb’…I called down to the front desk again and asked if they had emergency toiletries for guests who forget grooming supplies and asked if they had a comb and THEY DID! Woo hoo! Score! The bellman arrived at my room and handed me a 3” mini comb with fine teeth…yep I know…it was not gonna happen…at least not with that comb.
The next morning I woke up early, threw on sweats and hit the streets of downtown Chicago in search of a drugstore. #fail
After hitting three drugstores in the area all I could find was the ACE Comb featured in the picture. With my back pressed firmly against the wall, a day full of business activities scheduled and a desperate need to wash my hair…I bought it…I knew that I was going to need some extra assistance in the shower so I also bought a large bottle of Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine Conditioner with Argan Oil & Apricot.
Back in my room I hopped in the shower and decided that today was a good a day as any to try the Condition Wash Condition Method recently featured on NaturallyCurly.com or at least my modified version of it. I saturated my hair and then applied ¼ of the bottle (and yes it was super sized) to my hair. I worked the conditioner in from roots to end, and gently finger detangled in sections, rinsed and then repeated. After the second conditioning/finger detangling I very gently shampooed with my Doris New York The Reconstructor Shampoo, after I rinsed I applied my Doris New York Extreme Deep Conditioner, covered my hair with the plastic hotel shower cap, stepped out of the shower and watched TV for 30 minutes while I allowed the deep conditioner to work. I got back in the shower and poured a mix of the Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine Conditioner that I had diluted with warm water over my head to seal and gently finger detangled again. (insert choir singing here) and then I was able to detangle my hair in small section with that teeny weeny ACE comb!!!
I must say that I am a fan of the condition wash condition method! My hair was much easier to work with and I was able to save the day for Lola (my hair)!
But seriously downtown Chicago….with all of the beautiful naturals living and working there how you not gonna have wide tooth combs readily available???!!! #just sayin
Until Next Time,
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